Friday 13 January 2023

One of those days!!!!!

This week a lil hectic and last two days this series of his dreams that definitely left your imagination running wild and how !!!!!!

Been weirdly beautiful somehow the way both the dreams felt strangely connected with the other like he is there in a way one dream and the next one starts from right where he left it the other day….almost felt like having met him and the other day comes again!!

To this day today working on different designs picture styles working with the image edits and stuff and head to the other office to discuss something with manager and she is working on one side some movie on her laptop and she gets off to attend some call and there was this scene that literally made you shiver that way after years obvious reasons Him…

She comes back still saying something you watching the scene hands over the table nail digging into the table literally the waaaaay it just made you feel……a scene first times the way the guy was supporting her with and through the moment guiding her way out holding her and all you could feel live relive was moments with him the very exact same moments with him……

U just get off head to your balcony spot play his music and just be……cause your mind by then these flashes of him from the very same moments be it the first time at opera not the chummi the somethings yih nust wanna write our soooooo bad like soooooo baaaaaddddddddddsdsddddd!!!!!!!

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