Monday 2 January 2023


 Wit no dream this morning which you this THIS bad wanted to there was this wait inside like no definite way to skip the workout today!!!!!!!

That very moment post workout the stretch play a track no vibe play the second one and ayyyaaaaaaa that rushhhhh of him!!!!!!

The very exaaact feeeels of him in the mornings!!!!!!

The way it starts of first sniffing his orsence away to the sound of his heartbeat that close to you to the slow sound of his deep breaths as he suddenly comes close and starts to nestle away around and over your neck!!

Looking for his comfort spot his hair over your neck him moving holding you to that moment of finally finding that comfort spot and that one deeeep breath sound he makes and then slowly falling asleep…….writing reliving it now with the sound and you realise it was something he did back then too for real and not just the morning dreams…

After a chat till the almost morning hours he insists demands rather that you have to be the first thing he sees soon as he is up…this was a post bup moment again something which he used to pehle bhi asking you to come directly to his room so that he sees you first and used to leave the door open for you…

That day too you in dilemma cause it was the back door that you had to use and you cal him once there and he realises you couldn’t come straight away cause in his head he said it in a way like he used to before…..and comes out to open the gate for you!!!!

In between moments and the way he suddenly holds you and does the very same thing nestling around your neck and falls asleep……

SOMETHINGS!!!!!!!!! As you recall and write now!!!!!!!

Whattaaa start it’s already been ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa him your pooora ka poooooooora walking talking breathing heart right out there!!!!!!!!

Through the stretch that feeeeeeel strongly around your neck with the sound that scent of him feeeel of him the sound of his heart beats!!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeeee morning morning only howwwww only you are being missed I say!!!!! 

How nowwwwwww!!!!!!!!

Some smiles you just can’t get off I say!!!!!!!! THAT one feeeeel of his presence!!!!! 

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