Thursday 19 January 2023

To just know, to just belong…!

 In that very moment as she smiles back at you take the turn shut your eyes wit the track playing there he was…..there were many times charlie people looking at you lost in each other and the way they would just smile be it that college bus passing by on a drive and the girls wave back at smile back and the way he would just look at you in that moment and smiiiiileeeeeeeee that one smile away that makes you feel realise how happy someone was to have you in their life like you could just see in him the way he would look at you smile at you that one smile and then add Teri Surat he aisi hai maloom pull your cheek away…..

Even in malls sometimes just look at you from a distance and ayyyaaaaaaaaaa that one Khushi in his stare and the way he would rush back to you and just grab your arm away…..

Today in that very moment all these moments of him feeeewling that love away for you that one voice of his saying the same rushes through you…

It’s when moments like these hit you charlie out of nowhere…’s prolly the most beautiful thing more than love itself to just know how happy your mere existence can make someone feel!!!!!!

To just be loved the way he did!!!!!!!

Apart from everything that is today it’s these moments charlie that rush through you out of nowhere and the way it still makes you go how fucking lucky did you actually get for just having found Him!!!!!!!!!!!

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