Saturday 18 February 2023


 Those moments to over the call conversations to just feeeeling that version of him to living that version of your love for him like you can go on without food for a day or two bhi but without water was something that you just couldn’t do…..cause that’s how much water you gulp down every other min or two on a everyday basis..

Even that day when you decide to do the fast his way your mom actually was shocked saying you wouldn’t be able to do without water…..

It’s this thing charlie this very day it’s suspoised to be the original day of love as per shiva and Parvati getting back together and being married……but to him it was just something his mother used to and with her he started doing the same…and with him it’s become this one day of love that you feel most connected with him despite the distance and also not knowing if he still does or not but to you it’s a him day ever since him……

Like in the morning staying home your mom over table requests mentioning all these years you fasted this very day like his way could u pls add something what I want you to and makes you do some Pooja at home for Mahadev……

As she mentions the timing is of 6:15 to break the fast but to you it was when he does that’s 6pm he breaks the fast and so do you all this while…..

There are things that are in your control and the. There things that are just beyond you!!!!!!

In the most beautiful of ways possible nai!!!!!

it’s this strong something that you feel everytime this day around like can feel the love grow it’s stagnge to pen down in words cause this connection this beauuutiful something is wordless cause that’s how strongly you feel it every single time on this day for him!!!!!!!

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