Saturday 11 February 2023

Sound of Him…!

 Mornings and this looooooooooive for waking upto him with the sound of his voice!!!!!!!

It’s one of those feeeeeels charlie that you get soooooo filled with that only makes you wish it for real like to still find him right there beside you even after the waking up…

More on the shoots and change of work plan later but with a hectic day yesterday to wake up to that sound of him ayyyyaaaaaaaaa he abosluteeeeeely metaaaaa pooooora ka pooooooora heart I say!!!!!!

Sleeping to his music and this one time you holding him by the stomach and he tries to move or something and you hold him tighter and the way he slowly whispers ab alarm bajta dekh and you just tell him yaa timer laga ke milte tum……to that very second that one sound of his chuckle like inside you that baaaaadky wanted to open your eyes and see him but that fewwwl in that moment charlie eyes tightly shut holding onto him tightest cause that’s how bad again you kissed him to that feeeeewwl of being able to smell live feeeel touch just and al him in that moment not wanting the moment to pass time to pass like you weren’t just holding him it was that moemnt you were holding onto…..and you move or something and he says it again and you mention the same thing again nodding away not wanting to leave him and the waaaaay he chucmmis your hair away and says ye pehle bhi boli tu howli that one word howli from him sounds like the most beauuuuutiful version of love the way he used to say it……soon as you hear it try to get off as you were sitting and he was standing even before you get off the way he holds you back and drops you back again and moment it was that rush charlie from your missing to feeeeeeling away his missing!!!!!!!

From that moment to waking up and looking for him around that one stare of mind it left you with was beyond words!!!!!!! And logics of course!!!!!!

To this morning a moemnt moments again skipping it away for obvious reasons!!!!!!!

Beeen too much of his missing that you can feel last 2 days it’s in the way he holds you feels your arm face away holds your hair away it’s just feeeeelinf different very different the sound of his voice moments just the feeeel of his orsence lately!!!!!

To the workout post treadmill weights and you play nicolas jar mix and this one track and you keep the weights aside and just move around with to the sound and the moment dancing away wit him at his Dd place as he holds you literally and makes you move as you kid bout being Dharmender in dancing and him just smiling away nodding away and dancing moving with you and dropping you back on the floor… it was all those flashes moments of him with the track and you just moving dancing along the way the sound was making you move……..

To the moemnt post the THE stretch!!!!!!!

And this need to listen to his niladri!!!!!!!

The feeeeeeeeeeels it filled you up with even writing it now this state of mind it’s a beauuuutifully ironic happy rush of Him!!!!!!!

More on this soon as there’s too tooooo much to write out bout it’s the waaaaaaaay you are feeeeeling him in lilst of things including the last nites drive to editing last night to these series of songs ayyyaaaaaaaaa heart full of HIM and howwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!

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