Saturday 11 February 2023

Kaisi ye raat hai2 !!

 To this day today mind this beauuuuutifukky high from the morning dream today!!!!!

It’s this feeeeee charlie to miss a certain kinda missing but then when he comes like this you really donno where to hide or how to hide away for a bit till the mind till all of you goes normal again…

Like even back then post meeting him it used to take you a while to get back to normal and you always used to stay by yourself for a bit akele with walks around just so the him high subsides for a bit before you go back home…is when you wish your face was a lil less expressive cause it that clearllllllu shows charlie…

Specially anything to evrythung to do with him slightest of something to do with him and the waaay all of you tinnggggg bolke transforms away!!!!!

Sudden burst of Khushi jumping somersaulting away inside of you that keeps reflecting on your face and the smillleeeeee glued on I say people talking you smiling staff discussing some design you smiling standing there in the middle lift man talking bout the error to fix the lift you still standing smiling there cleaning aunty talking bout some detergent thing yih still smiling cause him form this morning was all n more that……’s that ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa he came like this ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa this happened that happened rushing through you him from that upclosesasssssssst possible ultra zoooooOooomed up it’s like you blink and your lashes will intertwine with his that kinda close……somethjngs you write and now this misssaaaaasiiiiiuiiiiiing again!!!!!!!!

It’s weird beauuuutifylky weird the way he walks through your dream filling up that specific version of missing rushing theory you or sometimes to just remind you what it was like to be loved held chummied evrythung by him just when you refrain from reliving that side of his love…

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