Sunday 26 February 2023

Mind rush!!!!!

 It’s this schedule lately working hard to get a ground on work wise with that aim running to launch in Bombay in Multi designer store it’s taking a lot of you but something’s I guess you can’t get an easy way out…and somehow when it comes to you things eventually have never really been easy ever…nai!!!!!

To these moments even random ones like when the model says time please as you direct the poses and you tell her that’s now how yo u really do time please and show her by licking the other side of palm and with that blotch of it and that’s how you do time please and she and manager goes ewww and do it with you mentioning how they never saw that side of you and that’s when it hits you he just rushed through you in that very moemnt….

Cause that’s exactly how you always were with him on your drive somewhere and you talking or mostly asking him something away and he just keeps looking at you beech beech mein and pulls over to the side and says time please and comes close and you show him that’s how it’s done and moments with the ews from him in between cheeee karely show it to me on my hand actually……

Sometimes you just realise see that bout yourself after a very long time and realise how much you miss that you too miss that you with him…….

To just watching his work with the movie you can’t waiiiit to watch first day first show and his words echo through you when you keep asking him if he will always be that way with you even after he gets popular and the way he would always add you will be with him to witness it all together we will always be this way karely…….

It’s this weird state of mind right now charlie been experiencing him living him in closest of experiences possible and the way it always leaves you wanting more of him even after the waking up just to be able to live him more hear him more feel him more smell him more to just be able to live him for real even after the waking up………

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