Saturday 18 February 2023

Grateful thankful!!!!!!

 It’s these moments moments like these that sort of used to make you look up and say a thank you so much away like you definitely must have done something that right to have found him kinda feeel every single time a moment like this you’d live which also btw happens even years after even with his absence…

It’s those mornings some days that you wake up and rush out and look up first thanking away and then questioning away but not why after I wake up too…….

Cause it’s that still confused hazy state of mind your mind is usually in soo. After waking up done with looking for him and then rush out to first thank and then question always….

Aaj bhi as you stay listening to his music reading his moments and dreams away here this one feeeeeeeel of connection charlie that’s always been there no matter what and yet!!!!!

To finally evening and the manager comes over asking if she could stay over for the night as she had to be at the shoot early morning for the outfit collab and you with that meme playing in your head come to me my darling thing playing smile away saying a yes……she gets drunk watches movie back to back and you stay there with his music custard and some work to finish…….

To finally just bout to get off and head to your room and she passes out and that one rushhhhh of Khushi I swear charlie in that very moment cause of all the days there is this waiiiiiit on special days mainly to live something of him and you waiiiiit all evening for her to leave her fone but doesn’t happen……

Finally get it and off you rush to the balcony and there it was your mosottttttttt loved circle blinking away and it was of a fkj concert in Bombay and one of your most fav tracks of his artist!!!!!

And suddenly your day got that much brighter and happier reason ?! Still donno but I say the things of him bout him to do with him the waaaaaaays they can make you happy is beyond logics and reasons……

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