Thursday 16 February 2023

Happy bruises!!!!!

 There’s too much to write out and too lil time but the highlight of this morning was the happy bruise it left you with!!!!!!

Sound of music and this rush of him that comes along is beyoooooooooond logics of the world I say!!!!!!

It’s ike you plug-in and you are in a different world of your own just you and your mind in that one zone to whatever you are feeling away in that very moment and soon as you plug out it’s like you land back into another world completely different to what you and your mind were experiencing seconds back…

Workout done and post moments and this one track you play as you slow stretch out and just bout leaning sideways over one hand or some movement it was and the beat change and you lose balance and mild bruise over your cheek but the way it makes you laugh at yourself away in that very moment cause that’s how stronglyyyyyyy you felt him away…

This one track charlie and it’s like a rush of all the zillion versions transitions transformations of his that you’ve experienced in and through moments……the way he used to be all sublime slow to that woooooosh bolke rush and suddenly you live see feeeel looooooove a rushed version of his like this one track as you work on movements with this rack all you could feeeel live loooooove with eyes shut was moments at opera……his facial expressions the sound of his voice the way he would move talk smile nod it’s like a zillion versions relived with this track on loop…

Something’s and the waaaaaaaaaaays they can make you feeeel away is something else!!

Be it the movie last night sound of your own voice missing him the dream from valentines morning all of this the way they can make you feeeel that sense of something is beyond everything else there is to it!!

And even as you write now cheek hurting a lil bit the smile still on cause that’s how suddenly you felt him in that movement with the sound all iver the arm……

Something’s I swear missing high mind I tell you!!!!!!!!

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