Saturday 11 February 2023

Sound of Him 2…!

 This Multi designer store from Bombay approached a few weeks back back to back meets with the discussions about the process and stuff and how they really were keen on having your collection on display at their store…..the main thing required was to work on the production and working more on shoots…..from there on started the whole change for the collection wise update to getting them model shot and back to back expenses you decide to do it yourself from styling to even directing the model moves to finally editing images to learning now how to edit videos too!!

Editing images was still cake walk but videos now you maybe realise how his work feels like finally!!!!!!

Back then you didn’t really have any idea what editing a video is like now one app after the other one tutorial after the other and still struggling with the whole frame game!!!!

Late nights best with his music playing and learning working and sometimes wahi pe to moments when you feeel him holding you away moving you away talking to you and you wake up and in that same feeel go to your bed and try to settle and he comes again exactly where he left at!!!!!

It’s beautifully strange weird sometimes that makes you again question your own sanity but in that very moment charlie can’t tell you how real how absolutefuckingbeaiuuuuutifully real it all feels like even after the waking up to smell his presence still around us where the reality and dreamscape line disappears all that stays is how real he actually felt like!!!!

To these moments through gour day shoot day u wake up to aloo ka paratha at the table after a very long time looking at the plate and you just couldn’t stop smiling cause it literally looked like him on a plate and your mom notices it and the way she says it still makes you this happy you know what she meant she knows exactly what and how you felt like in that moment and it wasn’t even bout the paratha!!

The way he looooooooved feeding you initially anythung to everything the way he would suddenly stop take something from your plate instead and feed you later it was his another looooooove of being fed by you…at your place anythung to everything the way he would give the plate in your hand and wait for you to feed him…him over your lap u feeding him the Partha where you are not supposed to sleep and eat but him being the Him he was that’s how he loved…!

To the drive last night out with the model few other friends friend to have this small celebration for finally getting the collection selected by the store few designs and she starts to play these Hindi mush tracks to this one by Prateek and that rush of him as they stop by somewhere and you get off with music still playing u plug in the same track and just be in a corner it’s strange charlie moments like these you are on your own but the waaaaaaay it feeeels like him with you in that very moment somethjngs you write and it feeels complete madness hearing yourself out but kyaaaa hai nai malooom that strong feeeweewl of you not being just you and like he is there with you in that moment is something you just can’t help!!

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