Saturday 18 February 2023

Sound of music…!

 To breaking the fast and the fruit custard again just the sight of it was like him in a bowl sitting across his table gets you a bowl of it and his dad asks to bring the food along for you and him with that much pride and happiness inn his voice tells uncle pappa inee bhi meri tarah fasting Kari so will have anything without salt only…..looks back at you and that one adooooooorable nod saying ab tu kha and like always that beauuuuutiful wait in him to see if you loved what he loved!!!!!!

Shutting the eyes away as you write now and relive the moment this beauuuuutifukky clear his exact smile and expression of that beauuutiful wait in him as you eat it and before you say something he adds maloom Teri shakal se it’s too liquidy nai this bhupal I tell you and you living that moment of rush where you just wanna run to him hold him away chummi his complete face away just cause of the waaaaaaaaay he just knew you loved you in that moemnt in his own way to just visually live that beauuuuty of his face his expression his wait his lilst Khushi him wanting you to like something of his making you his own……and yet holdback all of you away holf your mind back looking around everybody around and you just look at him and that one nod of his shying away smiling away and nodding some more and leans over saying hau maloom kal leke jaatu opera tujhe……

It’s the waaaaaaaay he could that magically sense every lil change of expression emotion in you just by looking at you like he could literally read your face away without having to say a single word out!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa howleeeeeeeeeeeee wiring writing how only you are being missed ekdum seeeeeee abuiiiii k abhiiii!!!!!!!!

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