Saturday 20 April 2024


 It’s that feeeeeeel charlie of living your life in a blink of a moemnt and that one content feeeeeeel it fills you up with in that moment you were all and more filled wit that…..

Like after living that moemnt every conversation of hers every sound they played there your ears mind all of you on the inside went blur over……

It’s like with eyes open you still were living him with those moments of just before coming over to your side and over you at opera the way he would always stop pause look at you play some specific track and that one smiiiiile and then that rush in him and then come over you to those moments stepping down the stairs after dropping you home again you dropping him back till the lift he would always hold you again in that rush and live a moment again and that smiiiiiile in the lift as he goes down!!!!!

At his place on Holi across the table showing you his color of love on you by moving his hand over his own neck and winking away at you cause that’s how happy it was making him seeing it on you…….

It’s like one visual of his to another mind eyes were literally trippin on him with that music in his place all with eyes open…

From that moment to drive back home to even watching some random stupid action film holding your mind off writing and the one line it ends with would you again!!!!!!

It’s always been Him, just this beauuuuuuutifully all of Him!!!!!!!

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