Tuesday 16 April 2024

The view…!

 Post early morning shoot when the model insists on spending the noon with her as her belated birthday lunch kinda thing and you had to with her in her car…..

The second you get in she plays the music cause all the way back n forth to the location and back to the studio for the changes you had your music playing to keep your head cool for the shoot as it was the hottest day ever today…….and the way she kept commenting on your music and this wasn’t even his music but a techno one……cause again his music you don’t ever share out out!!!!

And as you get in she plays hers and asks you which one you liked and stuff but it’s that thing bout some visuals and moments charlie!!!!

Cause this prolly was the first time being on the front seat after him……

Also why you never take the front seat look to your side and that very moment it’s just him that all you could see……

Like her talking saying something asking something everything goes blur the visual of him driving looking at you beech beech mein is all you could see live feeeeel in that moemnt…

That beauty it was to live him to live every detail of him and him knowing so the waaaaaay he would smiiiiiile away watching you lost in him…..

Sunlight over his face or the late night street lights driving back home from opera every moment and that feeeeeeeeel it used to fill up with!!!!!!

It’s like today all through that while there in her car it was you living him in your mind away in that very same spot it all is just making you wonder question lately all the more…..

How why even!!!!!!

Where did he even go ekdum see!!!!!!!!!!

It’s like you wake up in the mornings from a dream of his there’s that rush to write and then again that lostness creeps up not knowing where or what!!!!!

Year after years have gone by and it’s only off late all the more this one state of wonder!!

Like right now mind exhausted with that hectic day today under the direct sun played something on with his music playing on the side ice water topped with as much as ice you could fit in and the way all you can feeeel live and see is him on the driving seat…

No wonder you could just never like that place reserved for him…!

Like living some moment after years being on the front seat after years and picturing him there!!!!!!!!

Something’s nai!!!!!!!!!

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