Saturday 27 April 2024


 At his place spending time with his sister in her room and the way he keeps coming and checking on you initially happy that you were having a good time with her and later the more he comes the way smile goes a lil every single time and this one time you were laying over her bed and with her beside and looking at the ceiling upside down on the edge of the bed……

And he comes closer in a way trying to tell her something but the way as she turns to get something to give him the waaaaay he brings his face closer to yours and just stays that way……there was that instant rush in the way he comes that close and to live a moment like that one for the first time over the bed in that position there was that rush in you and in him when he again comes back to the room and stands there this time he looked different the way he was looking at you looked different and that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeel in you to runnnnnnnnnnn to him just the waaaay he stood there at the door looked at you and went back to his room…

Mins after his sister literally makes an announcement in a way telling him too that she was heading for the bath in a way that was your green signal to run to him and the second she heads to his dads room for the shower you runnnn to his room his room door stil shut and before you knock he opens the door and pulls you and closes the door and takes you to the all out corner of his room that you used to call it back then as it used to have those mosquito things back then beside his bathroom and he would always unplug it one hand with the other in that rush as he pulls your hair and takes you to that corner……’s that rush in him that missing in him even writing it now your hands shiver it was THAT much like you could feeeeeel it in the way he was breathing high in his look that stare you can never forget the waaaaaay he looks you in the eye and pulls the hair a lil more and pushes you against the wall and just looks at you as you tryi to go closer to chummi him the way he pulls you back instead and just looks you in the eye and that one nod of his and you were done and you still try to go closer to chummi him and he again does the same thing and that restlessness in you and that one smiiiiiiiiiiile of his just watching you that way and eventually finalllllllkly kisses you away it wasn’t just a kiss that prolly was the first time he literally chummi eats your face up one time when he pushes you a lil hard against the wall and you make the tiniest sound not even a complete sound as you were still in the moemnt but as it hurts your back or something and the waaaaaaaay he stops the kiss and moves a lil away and you couldn’t take that distance for a second and you go closer and the waaaaaaaaaaay he chuckles away in between saying areee lemme see if it hurt you and you nod not wanting him to move away and that rushhhhhh of him again………the waaaaaaaaay he was moving all of you over you just moving in that rush his breath his hand all and any of him and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him having missed you and it was in that moment when his sister comes and stands and you see her and scares the out of you……..

And the waaaaaaay he literally dancing screaming away takes her back to the room and runs back to you saying ok let’s continue and by then you were in tears with that shame guilt or something that being caught by her…….it’s like having caught by a kid kinda feeeeel it felt worse then and the waaaaaay he holds you and makes you sit down on the floor him against the wall and he pulls you in between his legs and just holds you saying just stay this way for a bit as you keep telling him to go to his sister and check on her……but the way he keeps saying no pls stay this way I need this for a bit and that feeeeeeeeeeel suddenly when he holds you that way holding all of you away with all of him at the back….like the tears stop fataaaak se and you tell him this feels good nai and the waaaaaaaay he fataaaak se in that adoooooorable tone tells you so now we can continue as this is feeling good!!!!!

Something’s you write and relive that sound of his voice saying the same thing away as you write now!!!!!   

Ayyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that sound of him that love of his!!!!!!!!

HIM meraaaaaa pooooooora ka poooooooooora heart and everything in between I say!!!!!

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