Saturday 20 April 2024


 Like stay there for a bit and head out with her down and she mentions bout a drink at hard rock and there it was that one place not the same location though but the sound of music that you could hear from out too the guitar the fataaaak visual of his some picture dp from back then playing the guitar in brown tones looking his superrrr chilled gorgeous look with full grown daaadi in his easy chilled best style of sitting over a bean bag or couch it was and playing the guitar…

To just that one place and you couldn’t say a no and as you are there from random conversations gossip to that one thing she drops on you bout yiy sitting on your own there…..

Talking bout life in general and bout her breakup and stuff and talks bout how she wishes she could go back and correct that mistake in her life and then drops that question on you asking you what if you had a chance to go back and relive it all over again would you do the same thing or would change something or skip something pause something or just live it as it is knowing this is where it would land you at!!!!

And right then that one filmy moemnt some track change beat change some blue saxophone track starts close your eyes like it was that perfectly filmy and insync with that vibe of the moemnt sound of the instrument and her words along wit it…

And those flashes of looking for a gym heading inside golds gym and your mom ready to finalise and you didn’t want to and the auto wala takes some wrong turn and you see this one talwarkars on the side and instead head here……walkin and you decide this was it fill up the form and there it was your life ready to be changed forever and HOW!!!!!

To those flashes of him walking through that door in his adooooooorablest unique way of walking over the blocks with those wide steps and how the waaaaaaay it jus held you that very moment every single time you relive and write the waaaaaaaay it’s still this clear even when recalling the same one at hard rock eyes shut him walking that walk towards you and the way he stops and slowmo looks up at you directly looking you in the eye and shows you down you were standing over his block and as you take a step back he comes a step closer this time to you like that close to your nose your face was his……and then almost smiles just doesn’t smile fully and you move away realising you were that close and that LOST in him!!!!!!

And as he takes those same steps towards the changing room you were still lost in him and he goes to the room at the entrance turns around smiling finding you still standing there lost in him like again he was that THAT sure you were still standing there watching him that he already had that smile on him!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaa some moments you relive and write now!!!!!!

THIS very feeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him right now!!!!!!!!!

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