Tuesday 2 April 2024


 Last night was different it was just sound and touch and feel of him with your eyes shut…….

Like you keep switching sides and the waaaaaaaaaay all you could feeel over your shoulder around neck was that scent touch and feeeeeel of him the way he used to exactly the way he used to back then!!!!!!!

And just his sound I love you too karely and the waaaaaaay he was saying it was different the tone of his voice that gorgeouslyyyyyyyy sexy low tone like he missed you that much and making you feeeel and live that missing of his…….

Like it goes on all of night cause you remember not waking up even for a bit beech mein and even when the alarm goes off you could stilll feeeel his lips over the shoulder the way you wake up and before turning the alarm off you look over to your shoulder to live him and that’s when the realisation hits you that it was one long dream all that while…….

Of course the very thing had to be getting in the workout with that need to feel him more and to that after moment…….

Stretching to the slow start of himvedsions one arm out one leg out eyes shut and that touch of him over the arm just gently touching you away all along arms to shoulder to neck and the waaaaaaaay that very moment the hair tie opens up hair open as you bend and move to the next move with that smile on and goosebumpd all over…….

To this upper stretch and that feeeeeeeeel over your neck the waaaaaaaay it exactly feeels like his touch still amazes you to that moment of feeeeling him across your back too…….

Things you don’t wanna write but the waaaaaay he moves along with you touching you feeeleing you away it always ALWAYS makes you wish to live these moments with him for real……to actually do these moves with him along with you for REAL mein………

It’s not just when the big big moments that you miss him with it’s these too and this missing the waaaaay it grows even as you feeeeel him with each move….

To this one posture eyes closed as you stretch side ways with your face down side ways over the floor and there he was from his Dd space on his bed you over just feeeeeling living his details where initially he had his eyes closed to that moment when he opens his eyes and go closer to feeeeel his details again and the second you tell him you are beautiful that beauuuuuutiful lil shy smile and the waaaay just the waaaaaaay he was letting you live and feeeel his details even touching his lashes he doesn’t move or blink for a bit too……..

This when smoking out the Kajal on the model before shoot and she keeps blinking and talks bout how nobody can keep their eyes at is even on your touching your eyes and that very moment too this moemnt lived with him rushes through you and you smile your way through the conversation wher she mentions see you zoned out to some other land again shriya while am talking…….

Today too as too as you stretch that way and live that moment that heart of yours then itself ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa even writing it now never loved anything anybody the way you have loved him to you he is all things LOVE!!!!!!

Every to any bit of him absolutely LOVE in all forms of it!!

Even then living that moemnt the waaaaaay it was making your heart that happy to just be that way living him from THAT close something’s you write now and this feeeeeeeeling again!!!!!!!!

To this lil moment of seeing your shoulder every now and then and that feeeeel he was right here all night long beautiful beautiful madness I say!!!!!!!!!

This day already!!!!!!!!

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