Sunday 7 April 2024


 After an early half day of work tomb location scouting for next , come home mind still in same state and strangely there haven’t been any dreams either!!!!!

It’s like now feeing like you haven’t seen him for long THIS long!!

All of you feeling this present you currently minds been living each moment from the back every visual and moment of him to that final scream at you from the dream…….like when nothings been making sense any of all of this there’s this moment when you just decide to day drink n chill with this insanely curiously ironic hilarious nonsense movie and this one visual feels even more beautiful with the vodka martini now…

Cause it did bring back the phone call from the mountain as he calls it after the trip or those beautiful shots of his from the trip and the same blue van bus image of his from the Nepal series…

Something’s nai this beauuuuuuty!!!!!!!

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