Tuesday 23 April 2024


 In the jam turning off music and this need to write whilst you still can and are able to access!!!!

The way it’s been on mind lately this realisation that ever since you started this journey of writing out his missing he didn’t meet you after like earlier when it was telling him you missed him you still were able to meet him hear from him see him live love him and that all changed…..

Switching back to walking or for run in the evenings lately also feels like going back in time just like you used to back then and he would call or text when in walks randomly…..

It’s been on mind the way it’s been like going back in time that sense of meeting him again kinda strange vibe…

Now strangely you exactly know what this means if not being able to access here or not write out your missing or moments out tabhi ke tabbi…..or not being able to read all these missing and moments out on late nights but the way it’s still feeling like getting closer to him…

How you still donno!!!!!!!

What’s this even but this one strong feeeeeeeeling!!!!!!


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