Saturday 20 April 2024


 Still reliving it all like the main visuals of him main moments him in the lift from Bangalore moments to him in the car just bout to leave for Bombay and comes early morning to see you and you get down with Sai baba vibudhi from home to put that safety tilak over him and he already had it on his forehead face out from the window with mango on the seat beside…..

And he tells you how the same habit his sister had just before he leaves for a journey thing and instead moves his face to the side and shows you his cheek instead like asking you to put the vibudhi over his cheek saying who made that rule of it being applied only on the forehead and you happiest apply lil over his cheek and just feel his face along with that moemnt as he leans a lil more outside the window and let’s you live your moemnt of feeling him…

To the moemnt of him coming closer and whispers away in your ear I don’t want to but have to and that moment of lights blinking of his car in his ghar ka lawn it’s like every single moment literally flashes throug your mind and it’s only after a bit you open your eyes and the way she comments about how you had that smile constantly on as you were thinking bout it and even mentions you would for sure live it all over again the same way nai look at your face…..

And you just add in a heartbeat more than happily would wouldn’t change a thing but maybe love him more hold him closer live him more this time…..each time!!!!!!

Love him more each time!!!!!

This heart right now!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s this thing bout visuals of life charlie that sort of in a way make you realise the facts of your life all over again when you relive it this way like today that nonsense random moment of random guy waiting outside took you back to all those times him waiting outside the washroom and the waaaaaay he would stand there hands in his pockets leg crossed looking you in the eye smiling away as you walk towards him and the way he would always ask you to come a lil more closer in public space too……like look down and nod asking you to come closer and you do with each step and then look at you again and smileee away that adoooooooorably saying how much he loved that feeelinf of you walkin towards him for him…….

Some visuals!!!!!!!!

He has always been that complete heart of yours right from the very start and that one fixed space for life right from the very start!!!!!!!!!

It’s like something you are THAT sure of in life has always been Him…!

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