Monday 22 April 2024


 When you spend your late afternoon with kittuuuu ayyyaaaaaaaa co incidences like these you come back home with and you just had tooooo!!!!!!!

More coming soon but this face right now is when you realise why you looooooved it that mad bad in the first place!!!!!

This feeeeeeeeee of feeeeeeeeelinf after this long and this face right now like the second you step out to get some more water post stretch himversions your mom says your face suddenly looks happier from what it’s been looking last 2 days se!!!!!

Ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaa when anything him makes you feeeeel this way that shows all over you this evidently!!!!!

Singh miyaaaaaaaaa tum kaisaaaaa kaisaaaaaaaaaa yaaaaad areeeee miyaaaaaa ayyyaaaaaaaa if he only had the slightest idea bhi!!!!!!!

Itteeeeeeee saaaaaal kittteeeeeee saaaaaaal kitttuuuuuuu miyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

When you can’t stop smiling even in shower now and just had to write out this very Khushi this very rush of him right now right now!!!!!!

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