Thursday 18 April 2024

Some nights!!

 Some nights it’s just the most difficult when there’s this immeasurable amount of missing in your heart that you this strongly can feel deep in your core…

Like tonight it just feels this different this missing feels different like you feeel the strongest deepest missing tonight and you don’t even know why suddenly you are feeling this way….

It’s just him looking you in the eye driving and that one stare in a way wanting asking you to come closer to him like you could sense that in the way he would suddenly make that shift in the way he looks at you…that one beauuuuuutoful pull always like drawn towards him all of you on the inside used to feel that pull being drawn closer to him in just the way he would look you in the eye..

Lights out this list of tracks playing only making it all the more beautifully worse like you don’t know why it’s this strong deep missing inside tonight it hurts a lil too but this missing aaj feels different!!

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