Monday 1 April 2024


 Today the most gorgeously bizarre moemnt happens in your waking state who bhi……

This Iftaar invite from a regular minister something client influence and she comes down personally to invite you for the event and insists you come even for a bit…..

Couldn’t say no and head out to get some sweets to this new baklava place with some Turkish name you don’t remember now… the ones you wanted some for her and some for home and as they were packing it this text from your model friend goes on to chat bout some work thing texting her back you were standing a lil away from the counter….like the text goes on for a bit and you actually lift your head up and say it out miyaa but they don’t have dilkush…

Look up a guy standing there navy blue shirt and you immediately down to the view that you were standing closer to the white shoes cause you remember seeing the white shoes while texting like you don’t even know even now what got into you to actually think experience he was there like you weee out with him standing there and you actually do the dream talk in your waking state……who bhi to a random guy standing there looking at you smiling away telling you I didn’t want to disturb you texting so was just walking back steps as you kept coming closer…to the next one being you thought me to be somebody and starts to look around and that’s exactly when this song still playing and that feeeeeeel!!!!!!!

When you suddenly lose sense of the place people around you and all that stays is the sound and that thought in your mind of him actually standing there with you white shoes on and you actually talk to him in public place saying miyaa they don’t have dilkush!!!!!!

Something he made you try and did tell you trust me you’ll love it despite of you telling him you hated those candied fake fruit things but that adoooooooorabky one romanchik like he strikes by saying trust me you’ll love it looking you in the eye and the very first bite of it and just by your face he knew you loved it and with that smiiiiiiiiile on him he starts the car off letting you enjoy the dilkhush that just had khushdd your dil and how!!!!!

How do moments like these happen never before ever before did you do anything like that experience anything ANYTHING like that ever before…….

How were you so sure to think it was HIM there standing with you with your face down talk to him and lift your head up and that moemnt not finding him ther and some random guy smiling at you standing that close to you…….

rush back to the car and ask sudhakar to go collect the pacakage!!!!!

Cause you were that lost still wondering what just happened there how did it even happen and the waaaaaaaay this sound with that vibe of that moemnt felt no less than magic!!!!!!

When a missing hits you THIS HARD!!!!!!!!!

You are still amazed by that moemnt even writing and reliving it now!!!!!!!

Like HOW!!!!!!!

Losing sense of reality and at what speed!!

This missing lately!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like you donno what to doo with THIS much missing rushing through you that you are literally talking it out loud in public too now…!

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