Tuesday 2 November 2021

Visual stories…

 Daaaaays like these mornings like these ayyaaaaaaa to an evening like this one !!!!!!!!

This magic of this time of the year this year specially ahhhhh just the feeeeels it’s filling you up with!!!!!!

Mind this beauuuutifully high on all him like you haven’t been drinking even for almost 2 weeks or one it’s been not a sip even and this highhhhh you’ve been on!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeeee how only you’ve been kissed I say!!!!!!!

When the missed goes typo and becomes kissed!!!!!! The second you read it after this heart I say!!!!!! And let it be anyway atleast reading it feels good!!!!

Firstly the bunch of Him feeeeels that you’ve been rolling on!!!!!

Moments to be saved awaaay!!!!!

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