Friday 26 November 2021

This mind now!

 Don’t even know what to write where to start or how to get this out this mind right now This mind today!!!!!

It was the day of your first ever interview thing for the brand as a designer…..days back when a local fashion lifestyle magazine approaches for a feature as one of the upcoming ones kinda thing a few pictures done for the feature sit down for the interview and takes a break for some call you head out as you were shit nervous bout the whole thing and that need to see him for a bit and gone he was again!!!!!

That very second charlie it was again the worst feeling ever like suddenly dropped all over again!!!!!

Off n how!!!!!

That very moment look up and just that one lil inside conversation is it really that hard to actually be at peace for once wishes moments finally to just be able to live him even be it as friend bhi and that too you couldn’t just be okay with!!!!!

It’s one of those moments charlie when you just donno what why you of all the people why just you!!!!!!

Time up had to get back for the interview and she asks a few things and you just couldn’t speak a single word you were working on this for 2 days straight what to say how to say you were nervous but confident to do it and then suddenly it was all gone off your mind nothing on the mind just that state of sudden blankness like where you are what are you doing who are these people that sudden state of being lost again!

Call it off walk away out for a drive driver still asking where to couldn’t even answer to that and finally get back home!!!!

U really didn’t want to write this mind out but just this feeeeel inside that can’t make any sense of!!!!! To just get away from it all!!!!

Happiness the real sense of being happy being alive being content feeling at peace is truly truly one of the most difficult things to find truly is!!!!!!

For you it’s always been that one lil beautiful something and yet!!!!!!

This is exactly why you didn’t wish to write and also why this need to write out

Till you get better good bye it is charlie!!!!!!

Cause feeling it in the mind still sounds better than reading your mind out now!!!!!

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