Tuesday 2 November 2021

Versions of Him…

 It’s this beautifully strange how back then living these beautiful different versions in his presence was there but even after him in his absence too there are these moments visuals dreams that let you live the same even now…..

Like from the dream this morning there was that beautiful wild passionate love version to this one that made him your best friend ever had!!!!!

Sharing things bout you and then reconnecting with those very things and realising how it’s always been there how like everything else bout you he always knew this too…

U only realise this decade later!

At home looking for some short smthing to watch and find this title interesting bio scope wala and that sudden flash of memory from childhood and you ask your mom if she knew bout some kabuliwala story that you loved as a kid and she mentions the same saying how much you loved that story and kept going back to the story and re reading it over n over again…

Back then with him him mentioning bout getting a few books for his sister from Bombay and asks you the same you tell him you never read any and he mentions bout Rabindra Nath Tagore and adding that you must try one of his stories the kind you are you’ll definitely like it….

Years later today realise this story was another version of the same story of kabuliwala written by the same Rabindra Nath Tagore!!!!!

He knew this already bout you, you liking stories like these by that same exact author to even when in Bombay he mentions bout working on gora and talks again bout the same you must try reading this author work you’ll love it for sure….

Today years later realising that love of yours for the kabuliwala story from your mom the way it all just that beautifully connected!!!!!

It’s always the lilst of things charlie that makes you love someone BIG!!!!!!

He always knew the lilst of things bout you the person the likes the dislikes the understanding of what and how you exactly feel in a specific moment how you might react to certain something or what is it that you mean when you just look at him even from a distance or what his sudden presence might make you feel like he knew you like nobody ever has or ever will!!!!!

Just your lilst of details, knew you the way you yourself never did…

Today with all these rushes in different situations moments this one feel no wonder the way this love only grows with time…..

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