Tuesday 23 November 2021

Not even your mind!

U see people around one partner with the other and still looking at someone random and then flirts in the absence of the other and it still was their new wedding thing it’s things like these and then there is that feeel of a love still in absence still making no sense how or what but just that strong feel like it’s a presence for real it’s not even your mind cause it’s just there a dream you are scared and he is there a difficult day and he is there that unsettling feeling and something bout him in that very moment lost in a crowd you barely know and he is there too!

Know these are random know it’s not reality but the way it feels in that moment charlie is beyond just real the way it makes you feel on the inside like something just moved that one sudden shift of something and exactly like what you did tel him is the way it is cause it’s not upto you anymore never was…..

It’s always been him charlie the way you felt that shift in that moment too when you just wanted to stand there and watch him walk that walk towards you with his head down the way it just held you not wanting to move or look away or care bout anybody around just stand there and live his presence live that moment with him right there watching him take that every step closer to you and only once enough close he looks up is when you realise that was the first n only face you literally stared through n through !!!!!

Even as friends to those moments of just living that beauty of his presence or as lovers before moments or after to just live that face live that presence of his and especially those drives back from opera that one smile on him different that beautifully distinct and different to the other smiles of his it was different!!!!!

How do you even get all of that out of you how do you even unlove a love like that one…!

Today just that whole atmosphere and music or the strong beer it was that one feeeel charlie!!!!!!!

Made you feeeel too many things all at once!!!!!!!!!

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