Sunday 7 November 2021

Sunday mornings…

 Done with the chat work out a bit play an Aston Martin doc and just be with his music still playing the mind has never been that blank before!!!!!

Like you couldn’t see a thing bout the doc sense anything at all it was that blank…..

To that one dream similar one that you did dream before with cement pillars of grey all around like a grid and you run around through them trying to find your way out and door see him on the grass waiting for you asking you to come over and lay beside him and the way he talks bout how long he was there for you to come over… that full tree door him showing you the same in a way like he was connecting that much lived and dreamed tree dream of yours suddenly writing these moments again from the dream doesn’t make any sense anymore!

Sooo yahhh this one too was the same just the difference being you keep running around trying to find your way out ajd couldn’t see him anywhere one pillar after the other keeps popping up after you cross to that one vibration….cause now when asleep you keep it on silent and yet the way it moves you wanting to check the fone and it was him with just a smiley!

Some moments some habits I tell you don’t go won’t go the way all of you just like that senses away his presence any presence….messages being one of those too even back then no matter how asleep one message of his and much before that you just used to know it’s him bolke and the call or message after…..

This morning too same thing only setting your mind to how to communicate as just a friend and being careful bout it…..

Talks bout waking up late and you tell the same cause his text did wake you up and you alone know what it meant to you!

To Yaha waha ka talk and asking for a selfie and the second he shared his picture a friend clicked one and a selfie the second you see him that one heart I say!!!!!!!

He will always be that one face in the world for you!!!!!

Always will be!!!!!

Last night you decide to quit writing just so you are able to make those changes in yourself hoping that would change your dreams just to change yourself in ways and this morning the second you see his picture ayaa that one heart!!!!!

But in that strongest and both weakest moment too the way the mind was that set in not reacting like you used to earlier over his pictures like literally say out your heart feels in words after seeing his picture this too a learning process I say!

Startinf with lil changes not seeing him often on WhatsApp still making your mind training your mind over lil things…

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