Tuesday 30 November 2021

Dreams n visuals…!

 This post had to had to happen!!!!!

Of all the things the state of mind you’ve been in over everything else to just live that visual live that moment and connect with the present visual and relive it over again was something else today!!!!!

These very things sometimes don’t make any sense…

Days before the block he did post this one story over a highway sort of place the long road ahead to that other one being his car ka picture as it rains!!!!

It was raining that day is when you realise he was in Hyderabad to that one strong feel of that visual like in an instant you could sense something but it take it to be your usual search for something!

To this day in the morning this one beautifully strange dream you walking into the woods dense woods big trees around with that slow sound in the background playing like couldn’t really understand which track it was but some familiar sound as you walk more there were these fields around like suddenly from that deep tone of forest you suddenly could see the tone of the place around changing and turning that beautifully golden with trees to these smaller more field like place around there was sunshine suddenly around that didn’t feel too warm just that beautifully right…..it’s like the tones weren’t just changing on the outside it was you on the inside too……

There’s that thing bout that zone when you sometimes feel like from searching for something with that sense of lost ness to that sense of finally finding something reaching somewhere that sense of finally being at a place arrival reaching somewhere kinda vibe…

Is when you realise all that while waking through the woods you were looking for something only after there between the fields that sense of finally finding something….walk a lil more ahead and there was him standing at the end of the road from the woods to the fields and then there was this proper road ahead and there was Him standing at the other end hands in his pockets his usual style of standing with leg crossed and that one signature smile of his and then looks around in a way asking you to take a look around……

As you look around a lil dooor you could see that same image of the opera face like could just see it the borderline thing kinda visual…..

Is when it hits you you were at opera and as you look around more the same golden grass like fields around the same being on the hill kinda feel away from everything else with the road ahead leading you to him…

That shock that feeeeeel of being in the place same place after a decade shakes you up and you wake up!!!!!

That one feeeeeel of the dream HIM his face his smile to just live that presence of his his same signature way of standing and living that moment with you of making you realise something just by looking at you and waiting for your reaction stays with you and HOW!!!!!!

Dreams your ultimate saviour I say!!!!!

It’s the way they calm away any storm in you and HOW!!!!!!

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