Thursday 4 November 2021

Most loved time of the year!

 Most loved time of the year nite of the year!!!!!

Some moments also make you re realise why it's always been this special!

In the balcony looking at the sky look this magical his voice his words and it was noise and smoke pollution!!!!

It's like you can still hear his sound the conversations him all excited bout his fab festival and you just amazed at how happy you finally were on the festival that you had the worst memory with and now with him it did become your most fav one too...

His voice laced with that level of excitement and Khushi also cause his paaadmini neighbour and family couldn't realise it's him cause of his transformation!!!!

To just that need of being with you on the fone to just hear you and you the very same too.....that beautiful feeling of being in two places at once with him too!

Some experiences I say!!!!!!!

Every single one with him!!!!!!!

All heart and love!!!!!!!

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