Wednesday 3 November 2021

A lit heart I say!!!!

 From that very moment it was Diwali for you like heart the inside of you filled with lights ekdum see to that moment of realisation after a few hours when you check ur Instagram he didn’t unblock you there…..

This has happened before too mostly does this when he is bout to say smthing same thing like you know and block you back !!!!!

It’s weird nai how the tiny heart feels smthing and that fear too with it cause it’s that happy like THAT level of happy and with that level comes fear too…..

Trying to your hold your mind best possible!!!!!

That feel when you know has happened a zillion times but things like these you can never get used to and be okay with it nai…not like itteeee bar hua ab kya Farak padta but things that really matter to you will always matter regardless of the number of times or situations!!

For now mind this happy after a very long time living the feel that it loved the most the most loved bit of your life - to live Him…

And who bhi of all days aaj Diwali it is…

A very happy one!!!!!!!

Howleeeeee how only You are being missed ayyaaaaaaa if only you knew!!!!!!!!!

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