Tuesday 2 November 2021

Lil findings!

 Firstly it was the state of mind you already were in since that realisation of how long it’s been since you last held him!!!!

Just that ting bolke realisation and that feeeel it overloads you with!!!!! Just that feeeel charlie to be held away by him!!!!

Soooo yaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Back to the day last nite still half asleep and this series you’ve loved cause it has that before sunrise movie sequel vibes conversations and more conversations!!!!!

The way the couple goes through this journey of self exploration both as individuals and as a couple conversing through different situations fighting resolving doing just as needed to be together fight talk resolve just to be together cause all through that journey they are well aware of the love for the other and to keep that up through different situations comes back to that one and only realisation the love they share and feel for the other…..

It’s beautiful minimalistic and that real!!!!

Last episode almost struggling to keep the eyes open till that one scene where the female lead insists on living up that feel of being engaged to him and talking to him bout it bout their journey and head out for a chai early morning hours and in the car the guy mentions bout how no matter what happens they ll figure it out and be together through that always…

That echo of words that feel of the night conversation that feel of when the guy mentions how he can’t wait to get home and write the night away just so he remembers how and what they did soon after they were engaged so years later they have memories to sit and read about!!!!

There are some visuals sounds that that strongly feel like a line a scene a moment of your own story…

Back then him taking your pics saving up things bout you and you instead saving up chocolate wrappers his bubble maker thing that you still carry in your bag bits n pieces of things from different moments with him and the way you saving up those things he mentions the exact same thing years from now we will sit together and go through this khazana of yours and relive these moments together!!!!

To that promise of no matter what we will figure it out together and be together like this always…

Some words and a zillion moments through this series was like living your own story living your own conversations with him at hours like those reliving your own story while watching it!!!!

Simple walks with him chai and coffee sessions that need of his talk bout his love for you special moments spent together sharing the same again over the call that very night like that was his most loved thing the waaaay he would just talk bout lilst of moment wit you from that day and mention the same over the call how he felt in that very moment the same through the story how they have these conversations bout moments spent together and far away too when the male lead too visits Bangalore!!!!!

The journey the series was like bits of your own story that you relived last nite!!!!!

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