Sunday 7 November 2021

Some conversations!

 What you thought was an unblock wasnt really one….and you ask him away why did he do that and replies back bout not having any clue over it as he was just resetting the app n stuff!

Never before did you ever feel that level of being embarrassed ashamed over a situation the way you felt with this one…..

To the conversation moving towards how he had moved on in life and it being a thing of his past now….ab its not necessary right if you still in love witb him he too had to be same!

But all through that conversation charlie that one thing what was it that you werefeeling all this while then just you just your mind ?!

He has never been this blunt before and that itself made it that clear bout your presence in his life to that moment when he mentions of all the things would you still be a friend of mine and be okay with me having moved on as it was scaring him in some way ab kya bolna charlie…..

Apart from loving him if theres that one thing that youve always wished for him was him to be happy no matter what him saying he has changed and wanted to be someone he was compatible with and already had someone it was like him sharingthings with you back then different topic though but that vibe of something’s when you cry for a bit and the second he mentions bout being friends was you switching that love switch off now forever…..

Thats drawing the line off n away from loving him to just being there as a friend to try n see him just that way talk that way make sure you dont say a thing that makes him feel otherwise to that flow of conversation of sharing your work finally with him telling him where you were n all to him mentioning bout you saving up his chats the way him like always knowing you very well was sure bout youhaving his chats saved….asks you to mail them and as you do sit n read them along after years now!!!!!

That one feeel of realisation it fills you up with!!!!!

Some moments that beautiful ironic but that pure raw beauty of some moments…!

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