Wednesday 3 November 2021


 To just see him live him after this long like it takes a while for you to settle with that beauty of a presence of his to actually believe he was really there from that moment to the moment from the dream this morning the way it was that beautifully insync now to think of it the way that moment from the dream feels so real like this strongly connected the way he kept saying am right here look at me am here with you and hours later he actually mein was there charlie!!!!!

Right then and there that one scream loud heart scream charlieee he is here bolke is when you realise strange noo how it’s become that this necessary to share these moments out here to just write it out cause you actually can’t verbally scream it out loud the Khushi the rush of that moment and writing here is as good as the scream pretty close!!!!!

Mind that state of mind soon after living his presence ayyaaaaa that handsome with some small bindi like thing over his forehead his backpack just like he used to back then at the gym that also had his stash and his diary along!!!!

Visuals this plain mad love for the visuals and how they can fataaak se make you allow you to time travel just with a glimpse of something…..

To just live him charlie ayyaaaaaaa how you’ve missed it how bad to that Khushi to just keep living him even from work discussing work distributing sweets with one hand on fone living him with his music plugged in all lucky ali I say today right through the Pooja too cause that’s how bad you’ve missed him his presence to just live that feeeel of his presence!!!!!!

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