Tuesday 31 December 2019


frm alll tht sound to thiss quetiet of the nite!!!!!!!

shuttin awyyy frm everyone n weveryting else.....

this beutifully quetieeet!!!!!!!!!!

his msucis playing !!!!!!!!

this slowwwwww stteeeete of mind wit him wlking thru you not jste ur mind....

tinking of it now.....

when he wlked into ur lifeee then back thenn lil did you this is wer u would land naiiii!!!!!!!!

frm tht wlk over those block tilesss to havin spent yers lookin for him in tose boxes.......

actuaaaaaalllly tining of it nowwww blocks wer alwysss his favvv nai!!!!!!!

be it then wlkin overrr them or usin them over n wit u and howwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!

lif love strange i syaaa but whats the strbgest and has a wyaaaa of its own mind of its own is the weird lil heaaaaaart!!!!!!!!!

no mattter what never seeems to lern i say!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no mattttttttter what !!!!!!!!!!!

liil did you knwwwwwww frm thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttt much looooooooveeeeeeeeeeeee of his to this todyaa down the line!!!!!!

momenents lik theees wen the mind feeeels lik this n thissss much this neeed to stop wwiting cos u can feeeeel ur mind goinn wer exccctly u dont wnt to the turns wer it hurts u dont wnt to.....

n yettttttt this neeed to witeeee bas.....

lik u know gooooo with feeeeel of the mind.........

wtching him wallkkkkk one step aftr the other wtchin him get a lil more coooser to u wit eevery step.... and then now woooooooooosh !!!!!!!! gone !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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