Wednesday 18 December 2019

Comfort 2!!!!!!!!

exaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaactly why you refrain from writing him aaj kal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this you that  this writing him turns you into !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

this you that you are feeeling right now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that one moment the waaaaaaaaaaay he says it the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he was comforting you holding you away and those stares thoseeeeeeee smiiles he was sharing away with you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

every single time be it then or this moment right now as you relive those moments with him - this one feeling BLESSED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

even having lived those moments having lived that love of his then - BLESSED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

couldnt say a word then and just be the way he was holding you.... few secs later he asks you to sit the other way with your legs towards him.... you just look up and the way he again without you saying a word actually verbally puts out everything that you felt in that moment.... why was he making you move when you just got that comfortable.... and yet do as said and put your legs over his and the waaay he holds your leg away with that strong grip and just moves haaath over your leg and the waaaaaay it actually was comforting you smthing you never though or felt before.... and you living him siting a lil away soon lose that sense of pain cause all you could feel live was him in that moment.....

the way that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of just living his haaath over your legs trying to make it better for you was making you feel.....

pata hai charlie the one thing that could smtimes matter more than being loved is that feeling of being cared bout...... to just be cared bout by the one you love !!

could smtimes mean more than being loved too !!

like for that moment when you really need it the most...

there was him showing you a way of his love when you needed it the most...... just by the way you move he could sense you were in pain like you werent even making any sound or holding your stomach away or any of it .... just by the way you moved, he just knew !!!!!!!

its always been that way you just look at him and he knows what and how you felt in that moment..... you just move and he would sense if there was smthing wrong with you like every lil of you he would jsut know it !!!!!!!

without you ever having to tell him.....

teh way it always used to make you feel like he has always known you like nobody ever could.....

today those few secs of pain and you jsut living him sitting there holding your leg and you wake up and it was a jam and to the side there was this chai thela the one you were searching for a long long time.....

the same thela still there that he takes you to after the kbr park for the first chummi that he planned on that never happened there.....

you wanted to get out but the crowd dint seem right and that feeeeeeeeeeling when you find the place there.....

right after that memory moment to this one again in your own way like it all connected that beautifully.....

be it waking up from that dream this morning to finding him from that moment back then today when you were in pain to waking up from that moment and finding that place of his.....

smthinsg again never really make any sense !!!!!!!!

but what it fills  you up with is beyond words and logics...

filling up his absence away in the most ironically beautiful and inexplicable of ways...

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