Tuesday 31 December 2019

The smell!!!!

all i takes smtomes mostly is sound that flash of somone lik aaj kal anybodyeee passin by it bcoms him lik all kinda pople and its him in ech one of then!!!!!!

no matter wher you loook you seee him all you see i shim !!!!!

and frm the sizillion other things today it ws the smellll not his but his luckys !!!!!!!!

buyin the new yer pastry ting and rite outside he window you seee this hugest cutesssssssssst beetwoven benrad doggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lik it looooked the biiiiiiigest in tht tiny car....

run outttt litraaly to get a close look and the sec u gooo the ldye very kineldey uts the windown down and talks to you n stufff n you jste stad there in awwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee offfffffffffff the cutttttteeeeeeeeeee i syaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

suchaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bigggg fcceee loookin strighte into uuu with face beeein pulllled out even moeere jst soo yu go closer n touch !!!!!

the sec u do th e waaaay the big guyyyy tuns as much as it cod jst sooo you pet a lil more !!!!!

few mins stsnidng there n living himmm when he stopps the car in middleee of nowher wehn u screm out beetwoven doggieee!!!!!!

n lik eveyting else tells u its st benrad or wht the breed is.....

todyaaaaaaa petttin it awyyyyyy ws tht pureeee heiiiight o kushiii i telll u chalieee!!!!!!!!!!!!

ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the wyaaaaaaaa luckyyy ke styleeee mei uneeeee sirrr pooooraaa baahar almst tunr to turn jst so u pet more.....

onceee don on ur wyaaa bck tht smellll of luckyyy cos u did pet a dogg after yers prolieee firt time aftr lucky.....

thts mellll same smelll in ur hands.....

smellll hs tht strong sense of memoress nooo.....

lik n instnst and u r back in th most beuuuuuuuuuuutiful timeee of ur life......

this looooooooooooooovvvvvvv for scnetee smell!!!!!!!!

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