Wednesday 18 December 2019

when the likes go!

there was that thing to just have smthing of him that one connection to just you know have smthing anything of him, that was what his likes on youtube meant to you....

His music is Him..... in the most beauuuuuuutiful of ways !!

this thing has always been there like you feel him with his music.....

like can actually feel him with his music...

even in his absence...

and then when you see that change of youtube with likes being taken off that one sinking feel i say lo ab ye bhi gaya !!!!!!!

this morning too after waking up with another zooooooooomed up version of him in dream that state of mind it left you with......

like all you could see every time you blinked was his pouty chummi llike you blink and see his pout the more you blinked the more zooomed up version.....

and you just play his music and shut the room while getting ready like you needed that calm empty space to just live him for those few mins.... like you know just being on your own with no other sound but to just live him feel him his presence as his music plays..... wear smthing of his and that need to use that same fragrance that you only used to wear when to meet him those few meets at his other place......

like you use it only when you are hit with the strongest missing !!!!!!!!!

cause the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay it makes you feel just that fragrance on you is like feeling him feeling his hug his touch his presence his stare him standing there waiting for you to get in the house and then again stands at a distance to just live your presence for a bit and watch you get restless waiting for him to close cause you like always gettoo shy in those initial moments of his presnece.... and him knowing that very welll VERY well makes the most of it just by standing there a lil away....... to that first holding of your hand and then just feeling your palm looking at your hands and you just lost in him tracing everywhere his eyes go making the most of all of him to every lil of him......

like those few mins secs you just dont wanna blink and miss any of him.....

not even for a sec or half a sec cause thats how bad you missed living him for those days secs hours before seeing him then.....

this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing now is exactly what and why you stay away from writing aaj kal cause you know the reality now and then to live him this way feel him this way and then writing out and reading your own state of mind out as you write this weird feeeeeeeeling it fills you up with !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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