Wednesday 18 December 2019

Winters = Him...

firstly to start with the weather....

these few months this season.....

where it was a time when rains were your most loved like that time of the year your most loved time as a kid....

ever since him this thing bout the winters...

theres no season that you love more now the way you loooooooveeeee the winters...

its like winters the chill in the air the smell in the air everything bout this time of the year brings him along all the more...

its like you breathe Him in the air, this time of the year...

like you can almost smell him no matter where you are even in the waking state.....

like it all plays through you right from the very start that very first of seeing him living him and discovering that pure beauty of just living his presence to feeeeeeeeeeeeel that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling running inside of you to just live him..... that very first time to just be in his presence watching him walk towards you the waaaaaaaaaay that adoooooooooooooooorably he was.... and the way still looking down on the tile waiting for you to move just so he could step on that tile you were standing on..... and you just stand there living him waiting for him to look up just soooooooo you could see him look at him to think of it now this sudden ting now while writing alwaaaaaaaaaaays waiting for him nai !!!!!!!!!!!!1

soooooooooooooooo yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this time of the year every year the most special time of your life.....

and the way it all just plays through no matter what you doing where you are anything slightest of him around and the waaaaaaaaaay it just all plays......

last few days been tough too many dreams too many feels.... and the waking up again not finding him getting real with the reality and that state of mind it left you with every single time.....

the way with every dream you feel him closer like the last time you actually woke up with that fuzzy feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful fuzzzy feeeeeel of his daaaadi still over your face that it actually made you skip washing your face even after the shower.....

like you jst wanted that feeel still there over your face for a while longer......

depsite of knowing it was a dream but just the waaaaaaay you could like always still smell him feeeeel his chin daaadi over your face..... like you dint want to lose out on that feeeeeeling !!!!!!!!

this time of the year every single time !!!!!!!!!!!!

and then when you dream dreams like these you jsut donnooooooooo where or what to go with !!!!!!!!!

like it actually now confuses the fck out of you cause its only getting to extreme levels of extreme like you know hold you awaaaaaay to that extremely beautiful state of reality and then the epic fall every single time when you wake up and dont find him around......

to deal that state of then and now, dream state and waking state is the worst feeling ever.....!

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