Saturday 21 March 2020

Been a while now !

been a whileeee now either be it writing your mind out here or for the last few hours or mins waiting for your mind to get a lil normal high just so you could write better..... and just write it out !!

this year def hasnt been easy rigth from the start of it all, sure wasnt...

and last few weeks been worst ever !!

how weird does it all feel when everything on the outside happening in your life just that fine and all that better but its on the inside that there is a different story altogether happening.....

like two different sides of one coin happening both at once if that even makes any sense.....

like you know two stories running side by side completely different from the other...

and you donno which one to make sense of more.....

just like that line between the dream side of your life to the actual one......

again that stark contrast from the other !!

been months now but it was like knowign why it was that important for you to write out and what and how it actually felt to not write at all !!

and then last few weeks having been the worst ever you jsut dint knowwwwww how to go bout your mind!!

somedays like you just have to need to hoping maybe after it may feel a lil better than what and how it was.....

weird nai how to just saying your mind out loud can make this big of a difference and not doing so felt just as weird !!

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