Monday 23 March 2020

Quarantine partner!

exactly whyyyyy all this while you were off writing !!!!!!!!

this is whyyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!!

one smthing down and the waaaaay this one need to write smthing out like who bhii urgency wala kind like you just ought to need to that bad just let it out just cause howwwwww it made you feel !!!!!!!!

be it the start of the day or that one moment in the evening or just thee converstion.....

from the many fads didnt know smthing like this one too existed...

this video call with your friend random stuff and from conversaion to the other one and she mentions bout you knowing how bad the situation was in bombay and if at all you did ask him how he was and all.....

by your expression trying the ignore question and that state of mind ek dum see just hearing it out and she laughs it over and says anyway you were long back quarantined by him noo and chnages the topic saying this is why you must chose your partner wisely cause that one person is just not your partner for the good stuff and all but also in times like these moreover you need someone you can deal and get over with stuff like these too.... you know be your best company that you could possibly have around in times like these...

change the topic to smthing else but that one ting of topic stays with you......

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