Tuesday 14 May 2024


Name still hasn’t finalised for the collection as you just started the test today trying out diffeeent samples as the sketch artist couldn’t Get the flying bird right!!!!

Birds and mirrors would be it all!!!!!

This one thing you’ve decided to add mirror work as your main signature thing from here on goes without saying also has to do it all bout him ahhhhhh those were the days those mirror stares with him some when he comes on his own some stealing it away by dragging him away literally and the waaaaay he would lean over you for it and just watch you!!!!

This loooove recently working on these designs and not getting the bird right in flight mode drives you mad today almsot!!

But then they don’t make birds like Him anymore nai and ayyyaaaaaaaaa whattttteeeee bird he was every single time the waaaaay you would sneakily slow down a few steps just so you could stay back and watch him that flight mode and you didn’t want to tell him bout it and make him conscious bout doing the same cause how you looooooooved that way of him just slowly lifting his arms wiiiiiiide open and raises his head just a lil and every single time ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa your heart lived that beautiful sigh of how lucky did you get in life for having found him…

Anything to everything bout him used to amuse you like in that constant awe of him even till date some sound of his name any slightest him thing that you come across and that smile on you fataaaaak se to when around people face turning tomato red is that beautifully natural and on auto mode kind…..

This moooooood the movie the day today the hair sniffing the bird designing failing trying again and then seeing almost final not completely final made the day this damn good……

And it required that hint of LOAD of him was this movie not the story it’s these lilst bits from the movie and the waaaaaay it took you back to those many moments with him that almost if not ditto similar ones…….

Words and visuals I swear things they can do away is beyoooooond!!!!!!!!!

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