Sunday 19 May 2024


 This time of the hour your most loved time no matter how sleepy you are this need to just be instead!!!!

Specially this routine Sunday nights 2nd shower overspray with this rose fragrance candles lit his music playing sipping first sips away stoli chinnaya that does the most beautiful damage to your mind himtrippin away cause the waaaaaaaaays it makes you miss him away is beyond!!!!

When you come down to write out this moemnt and sit for a bit reading your himhigh state and see how much how bad you missed him that night too could barely read and understand some things but the way there still was that need that urgency to write out the missing and HOW…

It’s a late night of work with an early super early morning shoot tomo but this beauuuuuty of some nights as you live this moment……watching your one finger nail coloured the only single one it’s this thing you’ve been doing for months now when you are mad at him missing him away waaaaaaay too much than normal you color just the single nail away…….

In his Dd room as he holds your hand kisses and licks a finger away and suddenly stops looks at it and again tells you why this who is this for am already impressed right mein hoona then who is this for nails looking this pretty!!!!!

Ever since then somehow that habit or likeness to color the nails away just wasn’t there……lil by lil you could just never do it again not something you decide like bas you won’t do this bolke but somehow softly it just vanished from your agenda of things like it wasn’t even a part of you anymore kinda thing…

Now lately this habit only when you are mad at him missing him away tooooo much you just color one finger nail keep it till the mind feels better a lil less mad at him and you take it off!!!!!!

Something’s nai!!!!!!!!!

This very moment working on lists you see this nail of yours and that very moennt of him holding and kissing your hand fingers away rushes through you……

He had said this a couple of times initially you used to take it as him joking bout it but the way he was saying post bup meets like he actually was serious bout it the waaaaaaaay he would look you in the eye kiss your hand away and say it again to make some other guy look at your hand find it pretty kya bey?!

And that soft smile after saying but mein hoona in that one way he used to!!!!!!


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