Saturday 4 May 2024

Every single time!!!!

 Every single time you live some visual in a movie that stirs something in you this strongly like this visual of the male actor eating and her watching him do that takes you back to that moment at his dd space…..

For lunch when he asks you to get the dabbas from his home in his this kitchen…..

Checking each dabba and getting disappointed with nothing interesting but ayyyaaaaaaa the waaaaaaaaay he eats the food where seconds back he was complaining bout the chikudkayi and asking which dabba you would prefer and which one he would pick…and gives you chikudkayi dabba that afternoon to just live that beauuuuuuuuty of him eating food made you that happy that level of happy in the heart kind happy!!!!!!

Like you were hungry seconds back but to just seeeee him charlie the way he was eating that food wit that much love on his face in his eyes in the waaaaaay he was just smiiiiling away to just live those moments of just watching the only and most loved human of your life looking his beauuuuuuuuuutiful best in just a moment that lil but that important to you the waaaaaay it’s stayed with you like this even after years now!!

It’s this quality bout him that you most loved the way he lived every moment loved every moment as he lived even the most random ones the way he loved the night skies to the sound of his fav music sight of his fav food visual of his fav person or his lucky for that matter to just see his level of happiness in those moments made you the HAPPIEST in the world!!!!!!!

To relive fhat visual of him from that very moment right now also making you re realise how much you miss every lilst thing bout him too…

Lilst moment of him too!!

That beauty of to just live Him…!

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