Sunday 19 May 2024


 When you have to be up at 5:30 literally and sat here to finish the work and now you can’t even work ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa this beauty of him with some sounds some visuals the waaaaaaay everything him starts to rush through you from those calls this very moment……..

That beauty that joyyyyy that beauuuuuuutiful madness to just live that beauuuuty of his every detail of his to just live him and how HOW you loooooooved!!!!!!!

In that chat too on mail when he talks bout getting on some messenger instead and you were that close THAT close in asking him away again for Skype but the waaaay the way he was talking that day just didn’t feel right like something defffdd was coming from him and it did and HOW!!!!!

Apart from everything else that one sheeeer level of happiness it used to bring you to just live his presence live his details to even watching him move slightest bhi his expressions his straight face his anything to everything ayyaaaaaaaa that one love it was……

No wonder your eyes in this constant state of wander no matter where you are searching for him somehweee kahi bhi even slightest of him bhi even that day at Roast like it’s become your recent liked place with these photography books you enjoy reading there with this recent discovery of biscoff latte there……where the original love macchiato here at roast had become uski maaaki the first time you order and see the quality and style of that same coffee they had served in shit shot glass tasting also like that!!!!!

So the new discovery being biscoff latte topped with half of just froth sitting in that corner with random photography books and as and when you look around there’s that need to constantly look for him like your eyes in that constant wander also cause they play mostly coldplay and maroon 5 there like with any song of his playing there there’s that one beauuuuuutiful pull to look for him…….

This mind right now living him away to days when excited with something on his mind the way his body language would seem completely different like you that clearly remember the first ever Skype call with him that first reaction of his like he just couldn’t stop smiling wasn’t even writing anything few first mins and you keep asking him why the smile cause he had met you prolly weeks back and yet something’s you write and this feeeeeeeeeeeeeel now!!!!!!!!

Visuals I swear I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!

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