Sunday 19 May 2024


 There’s that beauty of capturing visuals in a slowmo like you somehow tend to feel it all more strongly and deeper nai…..

It’s like suddenly you are living that moment that visual with every breathe you take as you capture that moment like the chest moving you breathing in that slow mo capture kinda vibe……

Now imagine living that same exact ditto vibe in and with anything to everything he does…… he would just walk around in the room like he would just go across the room to the kitchen to bring a water bottle and you live him with every step every move of his and you live it all that fully feeeeel it all that deeeply cause he is that vibe there’s that vibe to him that some slowwwwwwww vibed mooood he would do anything with…….like he could be watching some action scene and one look at him and then to screen back and your eyes just couldn’t just wouldn’t hold there to the screen that need that urge to live him again that one feeeeeeeel of him……….

Same reason you loooooooved to live him smoke tooo as much as you hated him constantly smoking through those Skype calls that beauuuuuty of him the way he would dim down the lights some music playing in his room and you couldn’t hear it but the way he would move a lilst beech mein to the waaaaaaaaaay his whole vibe aura around and over him used to transform him away lighting up his psy beedi raising his chin a lil releasing that smoke and you loooooooooved living him that way his face his lips his EYES all of him to any of him and THIS whole mooooooood he would suddenly become it was like the whole complete visual of him right there on the screen was like you on the other hand having your own trip without even smoking away…… he was your high that feeeeeeeeel of living him just be himself move slightly to some sound chuckle away to something you said or just move his face slightly to release that smoke or get off to go to the kitchen and you used to tell him move the screen to where he was walking as you lioooiooooived watching him walk towards you the idea of it you absolutely loooooooved ti just live that feeeeeel and the waaay he would joke bout saying hau it’s not like an going to enter your side of the screen just by walking like that and call you howli for imagining these things away!!!!!!

Where to where your mind goes nai it’s that one visual of your own finger it’s this song that you lioooooved to relive him over his smoking memories that you find after very long brings back all those visuals from the Skype calls!!!!!

What only where only why only!!!!!!

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