Wednesday 8 May 2024


 How do you even stay calm on the outside and act all normal when there’s this much him rushing on the inside and HOW!!!!!

Like act normal work normal with the load of edit to finish like the mind the eaaaaaaaaaays the mind keeeep floating off and away to anything him……like suddenly pooof and your mind is gone not in the place where you are at in a fraction of a second or a sound or on shoot or a visual or a dream or a drop of the rain…

It’s been too many dreams too many moments of magic too much wait tooooooo much missing lately like the highs of the day to the drop by the time you come home….. and sit and reflect back missing him in the presence after the himtrip kinda vibe of the evenings lately…

The waaaaaaaays he has been coming and still doesn’t quite come kinda mooood…!

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