Tuesday 21 May 2024


 That much him taste of him scent of him feeeeeel of him sound of him movements of him that strong gushhhhhhh of him that mornings lace you all over with like the second you wake up from that moment you are that fullllll of him like you can’t think straight sense right make sense of the waking up for a few mins it’s only after do you realise you just woke up…….but all of you otherwise every inch of you still feeeeeelijf that strongly all his presence away like it all did happen for real like he was there seconds back for real how could you still be feeeeeeling it all away and waaaaaays beyond your own imagination things you haven’t even felt for real not even for once and still be living feeeeeling it away with him and how!!!!!!

Like he is that really real there and yet the second you wake up he isn’t but that feeeeewwel of him still over you like you feeeeel it inside that strong that presence of him and still to make sense try and make sense of the waking up you still can never get used to…

U try do your best to go back to normal and still can’t cause that sense of him feeeeeeeeel of him a himcoming himcomings like these and the affect they have on you jus can’t like just can’t somehow take them to be just dreams and yet still they are but HOW!!!!!!!

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