Friday 31 May 2024

The May!!!!

 This one month has been the most unhealthiest month you’d ever felt!!!!!!

First started with the viral then the food poisoning then just cause the hospital counter aunty had a red eye you come back home with that gift too!!!!!

Recovered once with that now sitting with the red eye like what only why only!!!!!!

Bas this month to get over and start with going back to your morning routines is something f you can’t wait now!!!!!!

This feeeeeeeeeel but when sick the waaaaaaaaaay he comes becomes less wilder automatically like even if you wanting him to come that way he doesn’t that way…….the waaaaaaaaaay he just tones down that beauuuuuuuuuuuutifully like the gentle hugs gentle touches gentles kisses just the brush and holding you tighter the scent of him soon as you wake up that touch of his hand still on your skin and the waaaaaaaay it feels even looking at your own hands….

To finding yourself again for the zilluonth time at his Versova house fence standing there waiting for him to come…….

This mind now as you are up it’s sooooooooooooo full of him heart mind eyes this feeeeeeeel of him it just is the way it makes you feeeeeel on the inside like the fever dreams as a kid being taken over with all things him……….

From Versova to your house this morning but the waaiiiiiit remains the same ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to just hold him tightest ever possible to nosedive into his skin neck arms shoulders away right now right now right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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