Thursday 16 May 2024


 This weather this HIM that yove been waking upto ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this mooooood this viiiiiibe he is!!!!!!!

How do you even like HOWWWWWW!!!!!!

Finding him in places people and sounds that hiiiiiigh this weather every single damn time……….

When he comes like this morning morning he has your pooooora ka poooooooooora heart and all things in between I say!!!!!

Said it before can say it over zillion trillion godzillion times away nothing absolutely nothing makes you feeeeeel the way anything Him does away and HOW…….

Thattttt moooooooooooood of his thaaaaattttttttt vibe of his and this mooooooooood this viiiiiibe it’s landed you in…….when all you keep playing on loop ever since the waking up is the waaaaaaaay he moves his burgundy shirt collar away and yesssssss that’s the current him trip color of this season and how sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyhyyyyyed up he looks in that color ayyyaaaaaaa the waaaaaay even in that very moment he drives you mad and knowing that rush in you very well that one chuckle of his that follows after ayyyaaaaaaaaaa that sound of his laugh his chuckle looooooooove pure loooooooove madness level I say!!!!!!

That one visual that one sound is all you can hear and feeeeel away with this constant state of goosebumped skin since the waking up……..

Kaisaaaaaa thooooo bhi kyaaaaaaa haiiiii kiiiii!!!!!!!

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