Thursday 23 May 2024


 To that moment when your mom asks you to get these dhoop sticks from this dry fruit store you always forget the name of!!!!

Get off and in the store and there were these 2-3 men around and you didn’ notice the govt car outside and you on the other section checking out the fragrances for these sticks with your back towards the counter and suddenly you feel someone too close behind you and that stench of alcohol that strong that one second of strong fear and you shut your eyes tight cause the man was too close behind and was laughing or talking something you don’t even remember now cause that’s how bad scared you were in that moennt……eyes shut and him same visual of his that close to you and that waaaaaay suddenly donno how it’s that feeeel of suddenly not being alone anymore kinda vibe and you take a cut and walk to the counter instead drop the pack and call the temporary driver to come inside the store and stand and get it billed and get out immediately…..

In that moennt strangely you didn’t want to run out of the store and not get it billed or skip buying it there was that need to face that fear in that moment it’s that feeeeel nai charlie sometimes when you suddenly live that moment through your day when you don’t feel like it’s just you on your own that sense of someone vibe of someone being with you right there in that moennt and that moennt today was that for you!!!!!

It’s that one feeeeeeeel you come back home with and like always that very first thing to do and check your moms phone and there it was after the Loooooooooongest time ever the most beloved circle circling over him like a halo……

Hit it and it was bout his sisters work thing and to realise she is now at ramannaid which is just behind the studio like few gallis away kinda close that you can see it from the studio too……

Something’s nai!!!!!!!

It wasn’t any post to do with him but something’s nai have their own way of making that cozy space in your heart filling up that missing away and random most things do that to you about him……

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